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    Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals online

    Maqlû - German translation

    Maqlû – German translation

    The German translation of Maqlû that is made available here online was first published as:

    T. Abusch & D. Schwemer: Das Ritual Maqlû („Verbrennung“), in: Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge 4, ed. B. Janowski – G. Wilhelm, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2008, 128–86.

    For buying this book, go to Omina, Orakel, Rituale und Beschwörungen, TUAT.NF 4, hg. B. Janowski – G. Wilhelm, Gütersloh 2008.

    In the files that can be downloaded here some corrections and additions have been included.

    Maqlû: complete text

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 1

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 2

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 3

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 4

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 5

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 6

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 7

    Maqlû: incantation tablet 8

    Maqlû: ritual tablet (= tablet 9)