Principal Investigators

JProf. Dr. Kathrin Holz
Kathrin Holz will lead the Würzburg based research area 2. She will be responsible for the documentation, re-editions and translations of all inscriptions, and will coordinate the reading group of inscriptions. Moreover, Holz will incorporate the paleographical results in the database Indoskript 2.0 and thus contribute to the wider study of the paleography of Indic scripts.

Prof. Dr. Ingo Strauch
Ingo Strauch will lead the Lausanne based research areas (1 and 3). He will examine the development of the genre of administrative documents in relation to epigraphical and other literary data (research area 1). Strauch will actively contribute to the documentation, reading, and translation of the manuscripts of the JZC and will provide a first preliminary survey of its contents.
Antoine Conforti, M.A.
Research Area 1
Lang./civil. slaves et Asie du Sud
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 4134.1
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 48 60
Dr. Camillo Formigatti
Research Area 2
Lehrstuhl für Indologie
Am Hubland
Philosophiegebäude 8.U.1
DE - 97074 Würzburg

Dr. Simone Voegtle
Research Area 3
Lang./civil. slaves et Asie du Sud
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 4081
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 (0)21 692 53 01