Hittite Language

Course identification: 04-AO-HS
Class hours per week: 4
ECTS points: 15
Duration: 1 Semester
Course offering: summer semester
Level: MA
Seminar: Hittite Language
The module is dedicated to reading more difficult Hittite texts from various developmental periods of the Hittite language. It conveys a representative overview of the development of the Hittite language and Hittite cuneiform writing, of the position of Hittite among the Indo-European languages and of the language contacts between Hittite and Luwian. Non-Hittite texts from the Hittite text corpus (especially cuneiform Luwian and hieroglyphic Luwian texts) can be incorporated into the curriculum. The reading of texts is central to the module; specific topics will be covered by individual student presentations.
Learning objectives:
The student will acquire a comprehensive overview of the development of Hittite and basic knowledge of the linguistic position of Hittite. He/she will possess a deepened understanding of selected groups of Hittite texts, especially with regard to their language form. The student will be capable of transliterating, translating and commenting upon the texts assigned or read in class. He/she will possess the ability to transliterate, translate and classify (with regard to content) more difficult Hittite texts beyond the curriculum of the class with the help of dictionaries and sign lists. He/she will be knowledgeable of other ancient Anatolian languages testified to in the Hittite text corpus, as far as these are incorporated into the curriculum.
Written test (90 minutes).