Thiago Mendes Venturott, M.A.

Research assistent
Tel.: +49 931 31-84679
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84
97074 Würzburg
Research interests
Greek, Latin, Sanskrit (Vedic), discourse grammar and verbal morphosyntax
Short biography
After studying Romance Studies (Portuguese), Classics (Greek) and Historical-Comparative Linguistics at the Universities of São Paulo (2014-2018) and Cologne (2019-2021), Thiago Mendes Venturott is currently doing his PhD on unprototypical particle verbs in some ancient Indo-European languages at the University of Würzburg. From November 2021 to May 2023, he was a research assistant at the Würzburg Centre for Ancient Studies (WAZ). After working for a year as a project assistant at the Würzburg Chair of Comparative Linguistics (January-December 2022), he has been a research assistant there since January 2023.
Dissertation topic
Geraldes, Caio, José Marcos Macedo & Thiago M. Venturott. 2023. Hinos a Aurora. Kommentierte Übersetzung mit einer Einleitung. Araçoiaba da Serra: Mnēma.
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich. 2023. História da Filologia. Übersetzt und kommentiert von Thiago M. Venturott. Mit einem Vorwort von Daniel Kölligan. Araçoiaba da Serra: Mnema.
West, Martin L. 2022. Poesia e Mito Indo-Europeus. Ins Portugiesische übersetzt von Pedro Barbieri, Felipe Campos, Caio Geraldes, Alex Mazzanti Jr. und Thiago Venturott. Araçoiaba da Serra/SP: Editora Mnēma.
Malhadas, Daisi, Maria Celeste C. Dezotti and Maria Helena de Moura Neves (eds.). 2022. Dicionário grego-português. 2. Aufl. bearb. von Maria Celeste C. Dezotti, Edvanda B. da Rosa, Alex Mazzanti Jr., Caio Geraldes, Felipe Campos, Pedro Barbieri, Rafael de Almeida Semedo and Thiago Venturott. Araçoiaba da Serra/SP: Editora Mnēma; Cotia/SP: Ateliê Editorial.