Dr. Mark Darling

Research associate
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84
D-97074 Würzburg
Research interests
Celtic languages and philology; Indo-European historical phonology and morphology; corpus linguistics.
Short biography
Mark Darling studied Classics at the University of Cambridge (BA 2010-2013; MPhil 2014-2015; PhD 2015-2020), where he specialised in comparative Indo-European linguistics. During his graduate studies, his work focussed on the historical phonology and morphology of the Celtic branch of Indo-European, culminating in his PhD thesis, The Subjunctive in Celtic: Studies in Historical Phonology and Morphology. After his PhD, Mark worked as a lecturer in Cambridge, teaching Indo-European, Latin, and Celtic historical linguistics, before taking up a position at the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Celtic Linguistics on the AHRC-DFG project The history of pronominal subjects in northern Europe, developing a parsed historical corpus of the Irish language to investigate the causes of the partial loss of the null subject parameter in Irish.
Darling, Mark, Marieke Meelen, and David Willis. 2022. “Towards Coreference Resolution for Early Irish.” In Proceedings of the 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop, edited by Theodorus Fransen, William Lamb and Delyth Prys, 85-93. Paris: European Language Resources Association.
Darling, Mark. "Celtic influence in the Latin of the curse tablet from Ratcliffe-on-Soar (Nottinghamshire)" Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 71, no. 1, 2024, pp. 129-154. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/zcph-2024-0004/html
- British Latin as a window on early Brittonic Celtic. Talk at the University of Bonn, 27th January 2025.
- The banquet in Celtic tradition. Talk within the Lecture Series "Die Macht des Gelages", Universität Würzburg, 4th December 2023.
- Apocope of Proto-Celtic *-ĭ in Gaulish: A Reconsideration of the Evidence. Talk at the Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies, Pavia, 7th-9t h September 2022.
- Reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European subjunctive: new perspectives from the Celticdata. Talk at the conference “Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities, and new perspectives”, 2nd October 2021.
- What was Albanos doing at La Graufesenque? Sound change and the interpretation of Gaulish texts. Talk to the Cambridge Indo-European Seminar, 24th February 2021.
- The Indo-European Subjunctive and the Old Irish Conditional Sentence. Talk at the Oxford-Cambridge Graduate Philology Symposium, 16th June 2018.