Practical Tutorials in Ancient Near Eastern Studies 1

Course identification: 04-AO-PRAK1
Class hours per week: 2
ECTS points: 5
Duration: 1 semester
Course offering: winter semester
Level: BA, second or third year
Übung: Clay Tablets and Cuneiform
The module offers an introduction to reading cuneiform texts from photos and from the original tablets. The students learn various methods for the technical drawing of cuneiform texts and practice deciphering and autographing cuneiform tablets. The cuneiform tablet as an archaeological object will be discussed from various aspects (format of tablets, joins, aspects of conservation, museological questions). The students themselves will attempt to write cuneiform in clay.
Learning objectives:
The student will gain initial experience in the decipherment and technical drawing of cuneiform tablets, and will personally have attempted to write cuneiform in clay. He/she will possess critically reflected knowledge of archaeological and museological questions and problems, which are associated with the cuneiform tablet as a physical object.
Research paper (2000-2500 words).