Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik

Dr. James M. Burgin

A. Monographien

  1. Functional Differentiation in Hittite Festival Texts: an Analysis of the Old Hittite Manuscripts of the KI.LAM Great Assembly (Studien zu den Boğaköy-Texten 65), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2019.
  2. Studies in Hittite Economic Administration. 2 vols. (Studien zu den Boğaköy-Texten 70–71), Wies­baden: Harrassowitz, 2022.


B. Artikel (peer-review)

  1. A Geographical Note on the Xanthos Stele, Kadmos 49 (2011) 181–86.
  2. The Graphical Origins of Initial-A-Final in Hieroglyphic Luwian, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici - Nuova Serie 2 (2016) 7–32.
  3. A Proposed Indo-Aryan Etymology for Hurrian timer(i)/timar(i), Journal of the American Oriental Society 137/1 (2017) 119–22.
  4. A Hands-Off Administrator? The Absence of the King, but Presence of the Crown Prince, in the Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus, Die Welt des Orients 52/1 (2022) 112–35.
  5. The tugguz-za/tugGUZ.ZA at attuša and Beyond, Altorientalische Forschungen 49/2 (2022): 248–64.
  6. Hittite Ration Lists Revisited: the Old and Middle Hittite Ration Text Corpus, (eingereicht, Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Hittitology, 2017).
  7. VITA and Double Eagle in the Iconography of Hittite Seals, (eingereicht, für eine geplante Festschrift).


C. Lexikonartikel

  1. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie: (mit Th. van den Hout) Weihgaben. B. Bei den Hethitern. Bd. 15 (2016).


D. Rezensionen

  1. Jaan Puhvel, Hittite Etymological Dictionary, vol. 8: Words Beginning with PA, Journal of the American Oriental Society 132/4 (2012) 715–18.
  2. Trevor Bryce, Warriors of Anatolia: A Concise History of the Hittites, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 79/1 (2020) 127–29.
  3. Michele Cammarosano, Elena Devecchi, und Maurizio Viano (Hgs.), talugaeš witteš. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Stefano de Martino on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 84/1 (2021) 151–52.