Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Immanuel Spaar, M.A.

Chair for East Asian Cultural History, Teaching and Research Assistant


Immanuel Spaar took his undergraduate studies at Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg (JMU) in the Modern China Bachelor program. During the integrated semester in China he studied at Peking University in 2009. As recipient of a one-year stipend from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) he pursued further training in modern Mandarin and classical Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University. During his graduate studies he completed the first year in the Chinese Studies programme of JMU, while in the second year he took courses at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. 2013 he graduated with a study on Chinese philosophy.

He worked as Sales Account Manager at a large Taiwanese manufacturer where he made experience in an international business environment.

Since April 2017 he has been employed at the Sinology of JMU. In 2018 he stayed for one semester at Peking University, where he was in charge of students as Managing Director at the European Chinese Language and Culture Programme (ECLC) at Peking University and participated in implementing a summer school for students of economics from JMU.

Field of Research

In his dissertation project he explores Neo-Confucianism of the Ming dynasty. He analyzes texts that deal with a Confucian didactics of oral instruction (yulu).

Academic Areas

Chinese Philosophy, intellectual history of late imperial China, Wang Yangming studies, Greater China studies, modernization of Chinese society.

Past Courses

Summer term 2017 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
Winter term 2017-18 An introduction to China's geography; Gudai Hanyu (substitute)
Summer term 2018 Managing Director at ECCL, Peking University
Winter term 2018-19 Early Chinese schools of thought since Confucius
Summer term 2019 The Neo-Confucians
Winter term 2019-20 Peking: capital and global mega city
Summer term 2020 Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore
Winter term 2020-21 Chinese Philosophy
Summer term 2021 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
Winter term 2022-23 The teaching of emptiness: Emptiness in Chinese philosophy
Summer term 2023 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore