DAAD-Projekt „MuseumsChange: Diverse, Digital, Socially Designed: Museums as Agents of Change and Social Inclusion“
„Current Museology in Egypt: Social Inclusion, Digitalization, Exhibitions and Internationalization in the Egyptian Museum Landscape“
Summer School of Museum Studies at Helwan University (HU) in Würzburg
Fr., 12th May 2023, 9 am until 5.30 pm, University of Würzburg JMU
location: building Z6 (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude, Am Hubland Süd), room 2.011, hybrid, English, programme in german time
9.15-9.30 | Prof. Dr. Guido Fackler (JMU)/Prof. Dr. Aly Omar Abdallah (HU)/Elisabeth Greifenstein MA (JMU): Welcome and Introduction |
9:30-10.15 | Prof. Dr. Rania Aly Maher „A Journey in the History of Egyptian Museums” |
10:15-11.00 | Dr. Noha Moustafa Shalaby „The Egyptian Museum in Cairo: A Revamp” |
11:00-11.30 | Coffee Break |
11:30-12.30 | Prof. Dr. Aly Omar Abdalla „The Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. A Museum in-the-Making” |
12:30-14.00 | Lunch Break: self payers (f.e. Mensateria) |
14.00-14.45 | Dr. Moamen Othman „Towards a New Vision of Innovation in the Display Concept of Museums in Egypt: an Overview” |
14.45-15.30 | Prof. Dr. Mayada Belal „Visitor Management in Egyptian Museums“ |
15.30-16.00 | Coffee Break |
16.00-16.45 | Dr. Nevine Nizar Zakaria: tba |
16:45-17.30 | Final discussion with all participants: „Sustainability in the MuseumSector” |
Please note | Egyptian time is 1 hour later
Prof. Dr. Aly Omar Abdalla (Head of Museum Studies, HU)
Prof. Dr. Mayada Belal (Head of International Office, HU)
Prof. Dr. Rania Maher (Associate Museum Studies, HU)
Dr. Noha Shalaby (Assistant Museum Studies, HU)
Dr. Moamen Othman (Head of the Museum Sector, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Cairo)
Dr. Nevine Nizar Zakaria (Humboldt Fellow at JMU Würzburg and staff member at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Cairo)
Participation in this conference is free of charge.
Those wishing to attend on site in Würzburg (limited places) should please register with matriculation number at: elisabeth.greifenstein@uni-wuerzburg.de
Online participation via ZOOM is possible with registration under: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5wrcO-trTkoGNNSkTKi7qMQF3q8a1EbO4tG#/registration
The Professorship of Museology at JMU Würzburg and Museum Studies at HU Cairo have been working closely together since 2015. They offer a joint double degree Master's programme with up to six exchange students per year. Other events ensure an exchange of lecturers and joint online or hybrid events for all students. Numerous non-university partners (e.g. museums, agencies) support the exchange. The project „MuseumsChange: Diverse, Digital, Socially Designed: Museums as Agents of Change and Social Inclusion“ is financially supported by the DAAD. An overview of the project activities can be found online: https://www.phil.uni-wuerzburg.de/museumaltekulturen/austausch-mit-aegypten/