Digitale Winterschool im WS 2021/22
Zweite Digitale Winterschool: Involving the audience: Visitor focussed Exhibitions and Museums, 15.-17.11. und 22.-24.11.2021
Im November 2021 fand in zwei 3-Tages-Blöcken die zweite digitale Würzburger Winterschool statt. Auch im Winter 2021 war es pandemiebedingt nicht möglich nach Kairo zu reisen, um dort vor Ort zu unterrichten.
Obwohl wir alle den persönlichen Kontakt zu unseren ägyptischen Kolleg*innen und den Student*innen vermissen, so hat das digitale Format dennoch den Vorteil für mehr Teilnehmer*innen zugänglich zu sein. Die vier Gastvorträge waren öffentlich, die acht Workshops registrierten Studierenden aus Deutschland und Ägypten vorbehalten.
Das reiche Programm beleuchtete das erste Mal ein einheitliches Thema: Involving the audience. Es ging also um Inklusion, Social Inclusion und Diversität. Vortreffen bereiteten die Studierenden auf die Veranstaltungen vor, sodass alle Beteiligte gut informiert in die Veranstaltungen starteten. Das Rahmenprogramm sowie die Vorträge wurden von Marina Breitschaft und Amgad Fouda betreut und moderiert. Simon Bosch half als Technik Support. So wurde das aufwändige Format erneut zum Erfolg mit regen Diskussionen und geringen technischen Problemen. Die Resonanz war durchweg positiv.
Feedback von Teilnehmer*innen
"The winter school was very useful for me, I learned a lot about different topics related to museums and it's roles in the community and the activities they can deliver to the visitors, and the lecturers were very kind and helpful. Thanks a lot for the amazing workshop an looking forward for more advanced ones."
Yehia Hussein

"I am happy because I was one of the students in Winter School 2021: The most important thing that distinguished it was that it was based on interaction and workshops.. in addition to its various topics in museum sciences as well. But I needed topics that dealt with how to market museums locally and globally, as well as how to manage crises and risks, especially after the occurrence of the global epidemic “Covid” 19, almost many Museums suffer from stagnation due to the lack of an alternative plan."
Mona Gawish

"First of all, it was a very helpful, interesting month that may lights up my mind about many ideas in the museum studies. From the beginning with the pre-sessions, that was very helpful knowing the features of Zoom meeting. All the Workshops are very interesting for me than the lectures, that is because of being interactive with the doctors, and also working in small groups in the closed rooms helps working in teamwork. The open discussion at the end of the lectures and workshops are very smart, that we can listen to others ideas and talk about it. For me some topics are different more than new like "Social Inclusion in Research and Practice" that was a very special lecture, and workshops talking about "Inclusive Museums". Next time I attend winter school, or may be my colleagues, I think we need more time for workshops and more activities will be more useful. Special thanks for our both coordinators, Amgad and Marina for their effort and patience till the month ends."
Hadir Adel Eelwa

"I attended the Digital Winter School and benefited greatly. The organization was professional, the lectures were varied, serving the unity of the topic to a large extent. The lecturers were educated and excellent interlocutors. Thank you to everyone involved in this wonderful work."
Moamen Nabil Kamel
"This winter school was very informative and very helpful. I enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. The content is well organised and focused on practical situations. I particularly enjoyed the bits of inclusive museum shared in the content."
Amany Ali

"This winter school had a great impact in expanding my concept of community engagement in museums, and how to create an inclusive museum. The exchange of ideas during lectures and workshops resulted many thoughts about effective participation of community in museums from the beginning of its establishment. In addition to explore the role of technology and various digital media in communication between the museum and the audience through the experiences of German museums in this regard. It was really an amazing training that helped a lot in developing my skills and experience, and it will contribute to transferring that experience to Egyptian museums."
Mona Noaman